Note ⚠️: This solution is still under development. Welcome to share ideas with us on github issue

BigGraph exploration

problem analysis

The amount of original data in the graph database is often very large, and the readability of the data obtained by this query brings great challenges. In addition to data filtering at the service layer, the front-end can also aggregate nodes through some clustering algorithms, and then drill down for dynamic exploration through data drilling.


SolutionsTechnical Solutions
Node aggregation, front-end algorithmlouvain algorithm aggregation const {louvain} = G6.Algorithm
Reduce visual interference and see details clearlyFisheye magnifier <FishEye />
Reduce visual interference, see the whole picture clearlyMiniMap navigation <MiniMap/>
Node classification: color attribute mappingLegend Component <Legend />
Drill down to exploreGraphin progressive force guidance layout <Graphin layout={{type:"graphin-force"}}>