Note ⚠️: This solution is still under development. Welcome to share ideas with us on github issue

Data Modeling

problem analysis

Data modeling: The traditional modeling method is to create a point edge by filling in a form. The problem with this solution is that the modeling efficiency is low and the association relationship of the graph model cannot be seen intuitively. How to improve the modeling efficiency and display intuitively The relationship in the graph model is a problem we need to focus on.

Solution: Visual Modeling

To complete the creation of points and edges through visualization, it can effectively improve the efficiency of modeling and improve the readability of the model. The visual modeling program mainly includes three aspects: the creation, management and interaction of the graph model.

SolutionsTechnical Solutions
Dynamically add nodes and edgesData-driven <Graphin data={{nodes:[...newNodes],edges:[...newEdges]}}/>
Automatic processing of polygons and self-loopsTool function: Graphin.Utils.processEdges(edges,{poly,loop})
Update node informationStyle data driven graph.updateItem('node',{style:{keyshape,halo,label,badges,icon}})
Update edge informationStyle data driven graph.updateItem('edge',{style:{keyshape,halo,label}})
Layout remains stableLayout data-driven <Graphin layout={{type:"preset"}}/>
Auxiliary ToolsToolbar <Toolbar /> Right-click menu <ContextMenu />

Note ⚠️: You can select the edge to be created through the right-click menu, more functions are still under development...