Leaf node clustering

Leaf node clustering means that when the layout is graphin-force, leaf nodes can be displayed in clusters according to the node type. It is mainly used in the scenario of continuous analysis and exploration to solve the problems of Chaotic Node arrangement caused by expanding the one-time relationship of a node (the node arrangement of graphin-force layout is scattered in disorder), unclear and difficult to find effective information, etc; Clustering and heap displaying the one-degree nodes diverging from the same central node by type can help the business see clearly and quickly.

The underlying algorithm is to configure the graphin-force layout centripetaloptions, apply a certain centripetal forces to different types of nodes and set different centers, so as to gather the nodes associated with the same type of nodes together. Compared with the ordinary global clustering algorithm, the leaf nodes are grouped without destroying the overall layout of graphin force, which is visually more convenient to distinguish types and will not disturb the display of edges.

Quick use

The use of Leaf node clustering is very simple. You only need to configure leafcluster, nodeclusterby and clusterNodeStrength in graphin-force.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import Graphin from '@antv/graphin';
export default () => {
const layout = {
type: 'graphin-force',
animation: false,
preset: {
type: 'concentric', // preset layout of graphin-force
leafCluster: true, // Whether leaf node clustering is required
nodeClusterBy: 'cluster', // Mapping fields for node clustering
clusterNodeStrength: 20, // Node clustering force
return <Graphin data={data} layout={layout} />;

Use example

For the convenience of clustering effect comparison, nodes of the same type are mapped into one color.The following comparative experiments are carried out from simple data scenarios and complex data scenarios:

  • Simple data Scene Effect Comparison


  • Complex data Scene Effect Comparison